Let me show you how to effortless C.O.A.S.T (TM) to your Goals with REIKI!

Unintensional self sabatoge of your goals is a real thing. With Reiki we will help elimate the sabatoging thougts and align your universal energies and chakaras clearing the mind of the clutter helping you focus on acheving your goals with the power of universal energy!

C.O.A.S.T (TM) takes it one step further when you C.O.A.S.T to your goals you are clearly defining your goals. C.O.A.S.T helps you anticipate the signs showing you are on the right path as well as teaches the most important lessons of attaining anything in life.

What C.O.A.S.T (TM) and Reiki helped me achieve.

  1. My effortless weight loss
  2. My beautiful home
  3. My clarity & life purpose
  4. My relationship with my wife
  5. My relationship with family and friends
  6. My financial freedom

Reiki and the creation of C.O.A.S.T (TM) changed my life.

I was in a vicious cycle of never achieving any goals. I would get so close and then something with sabotage me and I would just give up.

Sign up today for a 22 day jourmey where we will explore the power of Reiki as we C.O.A.S.T to acheving your goals plus much more. Life can be hard and challenging espiecally if you belief it is. 

Day 1 is a introduction to Reiki & attunment to level one. As well as  learning the first steps of C.O.A.S.T (Clearly defining your Goal)

Day 2 — You set the intentions (do) self reiki focusing on achieving your goal. I begin the  daily ritual of reiking your goals.

Introduction to the rest of C.O.A.S.T

Day 3-4 – more self Reiki & continuing the steps of COAST (I Reiki your goals)

Day 5 – An individual Distance Reiki session  continuing self reiki and coast

Day 6 – A Zoom group meeting tracking progress feelings and how it is going

Day 7- Self Reiki & Coast introduction to to the ladder

Day 8 – 12 Self Reiki, Coast & the ladder

Day 13- A zoom questions and answers — progress report Self Reiki, Coast & the ladder (Do the ladder until you feel like you got it and then release)

Day 14-19 Self Reiki, Coast 

Day 20 Self Reiki, Coast &   introduction the Golden Rule

Day 21 Self Reiki, Coast & golden rule 

Day 22 individual distance reiki and questions and answers zoom

This 22 day life changing expierence is priced $111.00